How To Live In The Present Moment and Why It Matters

When the ocean surges, don’t let me just hear it. Let it splash inside my chest! Rumi

I think of all the times that I have missed experiencing life fully; all the times that life flirts with me, invites me, asks me to dance, and I fail to notice.  It’s hard to notice life’s invitations when we are distracted, overly busy, contracted, worried, or otherwise not present. When we aren’t in the present moment, it’s difficult to see the beauty and goodness that is here now. Even in the darkest moment, there is the possibility of transformation.

Sometimes, all it takes is an intentional breath to bring us back to this present moment. On Facebook the other day, I found a recommendation that I’ll share with you here. I wish I could credit the author but no name was given. The recommended prescription is said to help prevent anxiety attacks but its benefits go well beyond anxiety and can be helpful in experiencing life more fully and joyfully in the moment.

Here’s the prescription:

  • Breathe deeply in through your nose and out through your mouth.

  • Slowly look around you and find:

    • 5 things you can see

    • 4 things you can touch

    • 3 things you can hear

    • 2 things you can smell (that you like)

    • 1 emotion you feel.

“This is called Grounding – it can help when you feel like you’ve gone too far in your head and lost all control of your surroundings.” It’s also a great way to bring yourself back into the present moment when you’re feeling stressed.

The prescription above can be useful in bringing you firmly into the present moment, allowing the storm clouds of past remembering and future imaginings to disperse and clear. You see, we have everything we need in this moment, but not for a future moment. When we fall back into thoughts about our past or reach into the future with our imaginings, we can become anxious and disoriented. We can’t find the answers we need in the past or in the future because the answer only exists in this moment.

“Unease, anxiety, tension, stress, worry – all forms of fear – are caused by too much future, and not enough presence. Guilt, regret, resentment, grievances, sadness, bitterness, and all forms of non-forgiveness are caused by too much past, and not enough presence.” Eckhart Tolle

Take your time with Tolle’s words. Read them again. There is a great deal of wisdom there. Test it out for yourself and see if you can find the truth in his words. When I feel sad, overwhelmed, or stressed, I can almost always see - when I look - that I am stuck in the past or worried about the future. When I bring myself to the present moment, the murky waters clear and I more easily access my innate wisdom, resourcefulness, and resilience. From that place, I can find my way forward, and so can you.

“You must live in the present, launch yourself on every wave, find your eternity in each moment. Fools stand on their island opportunities and look toward another land. There is no other land, there is no other life but this.” Henry David Thoreau


If this blog post resonates with you or if you’d like to explore a new perspective on how to live in the present moment and how that could benefit you, I’m opening up a couple of times on my calendar this week for the first two people who respond, at no charge to you. We will meet for 60-90 minutes via video chat. Contact Me

Do You Have Too Much On Your Mind?

Lately, I’ve been thinking a great deal about how much people have on their minds and how stressed people, in general, seem to be. I certainly understand. I notice that the more I have on my mind, the more stressed I feel. When I have a lot on my mind, I don’t sleep well, I worry more, and I feel a general sense of dis-ease and fogginess.

I also notice that the less I have on my mind, the more relaxed I am and the more life seems to flow naturally. When I have less on my mind, I tend to feel more content and little things don’t bother me. I even notice that big things don’t bother me as much. Have you noticed this, too?

It occurs to me that I have some measure of control over how much is on my mind. I don’t mean to say that I can keep thoughts from coming into my mind. Not a chance. I do mean to say that I have some control over whether or not I hold that thought in my mind in a fixed way. “We have a thought and the next moment the thought moves on—unless we hold it in our minds. When we hold thoughts in our mind in a fixed position, we turn thought into form, and into experience (Elsie Spittle).”

When we hold thoughts in our mind in a fixed way, we are going to experience them. That’s just the way the human system works. “The mind works like a virtual reality generator – whatever we think about seems real to us for as long as we're thinking it; the more we think about it, the more real it seems (Michael Neill).”

I had a client say to me today that she realized that she had bought into the thought that she was stuck and so she started to feel stuck. Once she understood that she was feeling her thinking, she was able to recognize that she wasn’t stuck at all! She just felt stuck. Great insight!

That’s how it works. We have thoughts that we buy into and the ones we string together become beliefs that we live by. For example, “I am not as smart as those around me, therefore, I’m inferior and I can’t be successful. There is no point in even trying. I’ll just get by and that’ll be good enough.” That’s a belief I had for decades. The virtual generator of my mind made that belief feel absolutely real and I lived it as if it were real. But it’s not real! It’s made up. Once we understand that we are experiencing our thinking, not what’s happening out there, then our fixed thinking begins to dissolve and we see clearly again.

The other night I was out to dinner with some friends. We each had some thinking about our server. I thought she was sweet and pleasant though a tad distracted. One friend thought she was doing a poor job but wasn’t too bothered by it. Another thought she was horrible, didn’t want to tip, and was quite agitated by the whole scene. The last one didn’t seem to give her any thought at all. Not one of us actually experienced the woman. We experienced our thinking about the woman. The ones in our group who had the most thinking about her being a bad server had very unpleasant dining experiences. The rest of us didn’t.

Chantel Burns says, “Our feelings are like a temporary weather system moving through us. We don’t have to take our thoughts or feelings seriously just as we don’t have to take a cloudy day seriously.” This understanding has been a game changer for me. I believed that I had to take every thought and feeling seriously. Talk about drama! Now I realize that thought is simply moving through me and I can choose to fix on it or not. When I don’t take it so seriously and personally, it’s free to move along in its own time. I’m much calmer, more content, and I have more clarity as a result.

Thought is a gift. It’s how we create our lives. The thoughts we fix upon become our experience. If we fix on the negative, we’ll experience negative. If we fix on the positive, we’ll experience positive. Yes, this is true even in extremely difficult and challenging situations. There are countless people who know this: Viktor Frankl who survived the holocaust, Helen Keller who was blind and deaf, Stephen Hawking who lost all muscle control and the ability to speak, and many more. We think of these people as extraordinary, but they are no more extraordinary than you and I. They simply did not fix on the thoughts that said they were doomed. Instead, they returned to the clear blue sky of their essential selves and allowed the discouraging weather system to move along.

You and I can do the same. Once we understand how our mind works, we are free to allow stressful thoughts to move on through us. We no longer have to judge, analyze, control, or manage them. They are not us. They are the temporary weather system. We are the clear blue sky of clarity and wellbeing.

If this blog post resonates with you or if you’d like to explore a new perspective on how to have less on your mind so that you experience more clarity, peace, and wellbeing, I’m opening up a couple of times on my calendar this week for the first two people who respond, at no charge to you. Contact Me

Who Am I Really?

Have you heard the story of the golden Buddha? It’s the true story of a Buddha statue made of pure gold. The gold statue was covered over with plaster to prevent it from being stolen during an invasion. The war went on so long that the Buddha was forgotten. Two hundred years later, the statue crashed to the ground and the plaster broke off revealing its true identity. Gold, pure gold. In 2013, it was estimated to be worth 250 million dollars.

You and I are like the golden Buddha. Our true identity is pure gold. As we grow up, we are plastered with layers of ideas, beliefs, constructs, expectations, projections, and more. We are told what we should and should not do, who we should and should not be, and how we must and must not live. We lose the true sense of ourselves when we are still very young. We begin to see the world and ourselves through the stories we’ve constructed or been taught. “Love is what we’re born with. Fear is what we learn (Marianne Williamson).”

I had a story about myself that I was slow. I believed that story for decades. I believed that everyone around me was smarter. I was embarrassed and ashamed. All too often, I wouldn’t speak up out of fear of being “discovered”. I thought my degrees and certifications would make me feel smarter but they didn’t. I felt like a fraud.

I had a story that I was broken. As a result, I struggled with shame for most of my life. I simply couldn’t measure up to what was expected of me and to what I expected of myself. I tried to live the story of what I believed this culture, my family, my church, and my friends expected me to be but I couldn’t do it. I was miserable. Depression and anxiety were my companions.

Plaster piled upon plaster covered my true essence. When I crashed to the ground in my break-down break-through almost 20 years ago, I saw gold in the cracks. I couldn’t believe it! Why had no one told me? And yet, there were a few folks here and there who did tell me, who did see. I simply couldn’t hear them through the thick plaster stories.

I believe we have two misunderstandings that trip us up in life. One, we don’t know who we truly are. We attempt to live our lives from the outside in, that is to say, we are constantly looking outside of ourselves for happiness, peace, and wellbeing when all of it resides within us. We don’t understand that we are born with love, that our essence is gold, that we are divinity, star stuff.  

Secondly, we don’t understand that we are living in the feeling of our thinking. That is to say, we experience our story about what’s happening out there rather than what’s actually out there. Think about it a moment. Why is it that you can line up 100 people and give them the exact same scenario and each person will have a different experience of it? I have a different experience of the same situation from day to day! One day the driver who cuts me off is a jerk. The next day, I feel sad for them or I barely notice it at all. What changed? My story about it. When your story (thinking) changes, your feelings and experience change.

You could think of stressful or exponential thinking (the story you spin) as the plaster that covers your true essence. You are not your thinking. You are the golden Buddha. You are priceless. You are not broken. Thoughts come and go. They change constantly, sometimes quickly and sometimes slowly but they always change.

What would it mean to you to understand who you truly are? What would it mean to you to understand that you are not broken? What would it mean to you to understand that what you seek—clarity, happiness, peace, and wellbeing—already resides within you?

I know how far fetched that can seem in times of sheer darkness. How impossible it feels. I do understand. I’ve been in that hopeless place. To the very brink. Even sheer darkness and hopelessness shift and change. It is not who you are. It is not who you are.

Behind the plaster of stressful thinking and spinning stories, lies your true essence. You are the golden Buddha. Look in that direction until you come home to yourself. There you will find what you seek.

If this blog post resonates with you or if you’d like to explore a new perspective on who you are really and why it matters, I’m opening up a couple of times on my calendar this week for the first two people who respond, at no charge to you. Contact Me


When You Feel Hopeless

“All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well (Julian of Norwich).”

We were out on our boat this weekend surrounded by rain storms. It was dark and furious. We didn’t know whether we should make a run for the marina or wait it out. We decided to wait it out and wade to shore on the little uninhabited island if the lightning got bad. The storm was headed right for us, but it never made it to us. It came from the east and split to the north and south of us heading west. We had no more than a few drops of rain and got front row seats to a beautiful storm.

You see, we simply can’t predict how things are going to be. We imagine our future, but it is always only imagined. We cannot possibly know how something will unfold, even when the storm looks like it is headed straight for us. We were certain that we were going to get the full fury of the storm but what seemed certain to us never came to pass.

Watching the storm, I thought of all the folks who are worried about their future, who see dark clouds bearing down upon them, who are living in the feeling of an imagined future. Living the fear again and again. Despairing. Hopeless. My heart breaks. I understand.

It has been a devastating, and, for many, frightening time here in the USA these past couple of weeks, regardless of which side of the political divide one finds oneself. Fear, ridicule, desperation, confusion, hopelessness, and divisiveness have sunk into our very soul, it seems. Many are afraid of what the future may bring. It’s tempting to believe that the brewing storm will consume us.

I’m reminded of the Chinese parable about a farmer and his son. This is how I remember the story: The farmer owned a beautiful stallion who helped earn money for the family. One day, the stallion ran away. The villagers said, “What terrible luck to lose your prized horse!” The farmer replied, “Maybe so, maybe not. We’ll see.” After a time, the stallion returned with a herd of mares. The villagers said, “What wonderful luck to have all those mares!” The farmer replied, “Maybe so, maybe not. We’ll see.” The farmer’s son began to train the mares. He was thrown from one of them and broke his leg. The villagers cried, “What terrible luck!” The farmer said, “Maybe so, maybe not. We’ll see.” A few days later, soldiers came through town recruiting all the able-bodied boys for war. The farmer’s boy was not recruited because of his broken leg. The villagers exclaimed, “What great luck! Your boy is spared!” To which the farmer replied, “Maybe so, maybe not, we’ll see.”

Maybe so. Maybe not. We’ll see.

I began this blog with words from Julian of Norwich, a Christian mystic. “All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well.” She wrote these words after losing almost everyone she loved to plague and almost dying herself. She was quite young, yet she discovered the truth of her words. She knew that many storms never reach us, and even when they do, we are resilient and resourceful.

We are resilient and resourceful. “We are created for the reality of this moment (Jamie Smart).”

To those of you who are frightened, discouraged, hopeless, hurt, and angry, I see you. I love you. I leave you with these words from John Lennon, “Everything will be okay in the end. If it’s not okay, it’s not the end.”


If this blog post resonates with you or if you’d like to explore a new perspective on overcoming hopelessness, I’m opening up a couple of times on my calendar this week for the first two people who respond, at no cost to you. Contact Me

How to Overcome Self-Doubt and Live Your Dream

“Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will” (Suzy Kassem). Can you relate? I can. Most of my life has been clouded by self-doubt leading to anxiety and inaction. The talent and potential of countless people, including me, are often stymied by self-doubt. We fear failure but failure doesn’t kill our dreams, doubt does.

I have taken my feelings of doubt incredibly seriously and personally throughout my life to the point of paralysis. I formed a story about myself long ago that kept me in a small, protective box of perceived safety. I can’t do that, I’m too shy. I can’t try that, I’m not smart enough. I can’t accomplish that, I’m no leader. I can’t stand up for that, I’m too afraid.

We tend to think that heroes are extraordinary individuals who possess unique powers of strength, persuasion, leadership, charisma, and intelligence. It finally occurred to me that heroes are simply ordinary human beings who take a stand for what matters to them. They do it while trembling. They do it despite their doubt. Some heroes are forced into the position and then rise to the occasion. It isn’t that heroes have no doubt, it’s that they don’t take the doubt too seriously or, if they do, they take a stand anyway.

I realize that you and I already have what it takes to be a hero. We just don’t realize it. You see, it doesn’t matter if you are exceptionally smart, strong, ingenious, beautiful, rich, educated, intelligent, or charming or not. What matters is that you recognize yourself for who you truly are. You are divinity, star stuff, love! Not recognizing it makes it no less true. You can take a stand for what is important to you despite the fear and doubt. Do it with knocking knees and trembling hands. Do it despite feelings of resistance. Do it on behalf of your dream.

It seems to me that the moment we stand, all that we need comes to us, moment by moment. Once we take that first step, the next step becomes clear. We find that we have what we need right now, not for the future. Constantly searching for future resources can obscure present moment resources and lead to anxiety. “We are built for the reality of the present moment” (Jamie Smart).

If doubt rears its head, which it will do, you can recognize it for what it is, an incredibly compelling story that you buy into or not. Even when you do buy into it, you can take the step or stand despite the doubt. Yes, this is possible.

What do you dream, from the small to the vast? For yourself? For the world around you? Does doubt stop you from moving toward your dream? I want to assure you that doubt doesn’t have the power to stop you. It only looks like it does. Yes, it feels terribly compelling, so compelling that I bought it for decades. As compelling as it seems, it does not have the power to stop you from moving toward your dream.

How to overcome self-doubt and live your dream

Actually, there’s nothing to overcome so much as there is something to understand. To that end, you could:

  1. Recognize doubt for the story that it is and it will begin to release.

  2. Open your eyes to who you truly are: Divinity, Star Stuff, Love!

  3. Take a stand despite your doubt, if a stand is needed.

  4. Notice the resources available for this present moment rather than seeking resources for an unknown future.

  5. Relax a bit knowing that life is living you.

Email me or comment below and tell me what comes up for you as you read this post. Has doubt been a big factor in your life? Does being a hero seem impossible to you? I’d love to hear your thoughts and insights.

I invite you to Schedule a Session to learn more about how I can support you in overcoming doubt and living your dream.


How to Find Peace

What would life be like for you if your main focus became to love those around you? I mean, if this was your single greatest intention each day, how would your family life change? Your work? Your play? Your health?

This is the question I awoke to this morning. It began bubbling up in me yesterday after two days of light “sparring” on Facebook. I rarely post political things on Facebook anymore or comment on other people’s posts. Truth is, it doesn’t feel good to me. When I do, I attempt to be respectful and kind but it never accomplishes what I hope. What do I hope? That everyone will see things as I do? As if I have a corner on the truth? Absurd.

Yesterday, I had a small epiphany. I realized that I was trying to change these peoples’ minds. I wasn’t loving them. I was trying to change them. Ridiculous because I know these people to be strong in who they are and in what they believe. Just as I am. I also know that change comes from within, true change must come from within. I can’t effect change in anyone and attempting to do so is a kind of violence against them.

Then it occurred to me, what if instead of trying to change their minds, I just loved them? Love without attachment, without demand, without expectation. It’s not that I haven’t had this thought before but it hit me more viscerally. It hit me in a way that immediately relaxed me. Truth is, when I sit face to face with any of these people, I enjoy them. They are good folk. The tension that arises in me when “sparring” on Facebook has nothing to do with them. Absolutely nothing. To simply love them, changes me. That is to say, my fragile ego is no longer threatened and I return to peace which is our natural state.

I began thinking about how life would be if I just loved each and every person who crosses my path. My lovely partner, my neighbor who sometimes irritates me, the person who cuts me off in traffic, friends on Facebook, the easy to love and the not so easy to love. 

What if my first response becomes love instead of defensiveness? How would that shift the energy between us or at least within me? What if my first, and perhaps only, question becomes, what would love do? This is not to say that love has no boundaries. Of course, it does. But when boundaries come from a place of love rather than from fragile ego, peace is possible.

Byron Katie says, “Peace doesn’t require two people, it requires only one. It has to be you. The problem begins and ends there.” Yes, this rings true to me. When I understand this, I am free to love anyone, even those with whom I disagree. I don’t need my partner or friends or strangers to agree with me to be at peace. Peace comes from within and it is our natural state.

Jesus, Mother Teresa, Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr, all understood this. This understanding transformed them, those around them, and whole cultures. How might this understanding transform you? Your personal and professional life? Your health?

These are the questions I’m asking myself today. I feel relieved as I let go of the need to prop up a fragile ego that needs to be right and to simply love instead. Sure, my ego may protest but my true essence, which is not the least bit fragile, knows that peace comes from within and love transforms. Always.

Email me and tell me what comes up for you as you read this blog post. Does what I’m saying here seem difficult, obvious, interesting? I’d love to hear your thoughts.

I invite you to Schedule a Session to learn more about how I can support you in finding peace.


What Lights You Up?

Hey, You. How are you today? How’s your heart? Is there anything lighting you up? Are you holding back from it? Can you identify how you are holding back?

I hold back from the things that light me up by holding onto made up fears, made up judgments, made up analysis, and made up beliefs. I know they are made up because they aren’t there every minute. They come in waves. Do you know what I mean? Sure, sometimes those waves seem endless and overwhelming. When I absolutely identify with those waves, believing I am those waves, I can feel lost and hopeless.

The truth is, we are much more than the waves. We are the endless ocean. There is vast calmness in the ocean’s depths. Our true nature is the same. Our essence is peace, well-being, resilience, creativity, and wisdom. The waves of thinking and emotion swell and recede, swell and recede.

I’m reminded of the 2004 tsunami that swept away so many. I remember a story of some people who were scuba diving when the tsunami hit. They had no idea a tsunami was passing right over them until they surfaced and saw the damage. Being in the depths saved their lives.

This understanding can save our emotional lives, too. When we become overly identified with stressful thinking and emotions, we can feel hopeless. We can become unclear. We can be swept away by the waves of emotions. Sydney Banks, author and theosopher, said, “If the only thing people learned was not to be afraid of their experience, that alone would change the world.” 

I return to this quote often because it has been a game changer for me. I thought I HAD to take my stressful thinking and emotions seriously. I thought I had to judge them, analyze them, manage them, control them, diagnose them, and fix them. I thought I had to take them extremely personally. It never occurred to me that I didn’t! I don’t have to take them seriously. Such a relief.

We can fight those waves, ride those waves, or we can sink into the calm depths of our true essence. And even when we can’t, because sometimes we just can't, the stressful waves cannot change or damage our true essence. I truly did not know that. I believed I was broken, damaged, and possibly even unredeemable. It’s difficult to bear up under such a heavy misunderstanding.

Perhaps you believe you are broken or damaged. Or maybe you just doubt yourself and your ability to live fully and passionately. I want to assure you that you are not broken. Your self-doubt is constructed, however innocently. All of those surface waves have absolutely nothing to do with your true essence. 

This understanding alone can bring tremendous relief and clarity. It can help you see what lights you up and how to move toward it. You are not your thoughts and emotions. You are eternal. So what lights you up today? I’d love to know.

I enjoy and appreciate your comments! The comment box is below. ❤️

I invite you to Schedule a Taster Session to learn more about how I can support you in discovering and taking action on whatever lights you up. 


Overcoming Fear to Take Action

Six years ago, just shy of my 52nd birthday, I bungee jumped 300 feet off this bridge in Whistler BC Canada. I did not think I would be afraid because I had been a rock climber and rappeler in my teens and twenties. I have no fear of heights, but when I stood on that bridge, I froze. The idea of diving off into the ravine was terrifying! I told the guy that I changed my mind and didn’t want to do it. Laughing, he assured me that I did want to do it! We argued back and forth for a minute or two. He told me that it wouldn’t get any easier and began a quick countdown.

I knew the longer I waited, the more frightened I’d become. I realized that this was something I did want to do, so I took a deep breath and dove. Let me tell you, there is nothing natural about hurtling 300 feet through the air toward the rocky river below. Nothing. And yet, I was safe. The rope held and I dangled happily at the bottom. I felt so alive and empowered! I dove despite the terror.

I find that life is very much like this. There are things we want to do, accomplish, and create. We feel the urge, the necessity, even. We know what we want. Then we get to the edge and freeze or we're like a deer in headlights. We may begin to talk ourselves out of it, tell ourselves that we really don’t want this, or that it isn’t possible to dive and survive. Worse yet, we may begin to believe the fearful stories we are telling ourselves.

I don’t know about you but when there is something I need or want to do and I don’t do it, I can feel terrible. I can feel ashamed. I can feel ineffectual. It starts to look like a monster,  keeping me awake at night. I can spin stressful stories about why I’m not good enough, smart enough, or brave enough to take the action that’s required. These stories take on a life of their own and can paralyze me. Just as I was paralyzed on that bridge 6 years ago.

The young man on the bridge laughed at me, with great compassion and understanding. He did not judge me. He did not shame me. He did not push me. He did playfully challenge my story. He did lovingly, with humor, encourage me to see past the story of fear I was spinning. He did not invite me to be unafraid, but he did invite me to take action, to jump despite the fear.

I can see how important it is to do the same when we’ve spun a story of fear for ourselves. I see how important it is that we not judge or shame ourselves. I see the importance of having compassion for ourselves, even gently laughing at our humanness, and taking action despite the fear.

I see the importance of acting quickly before the fear takes on a life of its own. I see, too, that even if it has taken on a life of its own, we can act at any moment despite what powerful story we’ve spun or how much fear we may feel.

There may be something you’ve dreamed of creating or accomplishing. There may be something you know you need to do in order to take care of yourself. You may be avoiding it because you are afraid. I understand. I’m afraid, too. And, like you, I’ve believed the fear completely. Yet, I want to dive. I know I want it. You want it, too. 

So, advocate for yourself, just as the man on the bridge advocated for me. If you can’t find a way to do it for yourself, then find someone who can advocate for you. Someone who believes in you. Someone who understands our human predicament.

“Come to the edge," he said.
"We can't, we're afraid!" they responded.
"Come to the edge," he said.
"We can't, We will fall!" they responded.
"Come to the edge," he said.
And so they came.
And he pushed them.
And they flew.”

― Guillaume Apollinaire

The man on the bridge didn’t push me but he did invite me and he did stand with me.

I invite you.

I invite you to fly despite your fear. I see your wings ready to unfurl.

How can you overcome fear to take action? You could:

  1. Recognize the fearful stories you are spinning.
  2. Take them a tad less personally.
  3. Don't wait for the fear to pass.
  4. Dive. The sooner, the better.

I'm taking my own advice today after a few weeks of taking my fearful stories all too personally. I feel encouraged knowing that you, too, may do the same.

I enjoy and appreciate your comments! The comment box is below.

I invite you to Schedule a Taster Session to learn more about how I can support you in taking action in an area of your life that is terribly important to you. 
