Episode 62: Nothing to Lose — Carla Royal Coaching & Consulting

Episode 62: Nothing to Lose

Episode Summary

What would I be like to live as if you had nothing to lose? What would you choose? How would you live? Join us while we explore the illusions of safety in our lives and the things that keep us small and from reaching our greatest potential. In this episode, we cover limits and confinement and the dark places we can go and just how important it is to explore the dark to know the light.

Epiphanies include:

  • The illusions of safety

  • Where these illusions come from

  • The meaning of life and other questions

  • How we create meaning

  • The stories we create

  • Moving from despair to inspired and empowered

  • The gifts of collapse and how it’s necessary

  • The illusions of limit and confinement

  • The value of bearing witness to the struggle of others

  • How growth often starts in the dark places and from decay

  • Ways to come alongside and support one another better

  • The lessons in our discomfort with other peoples pain
