Episode 72: Communication Challenges

Episode Summary:

Oh, the trials of miscommunication! Even when we think we have been crystal clear there are still breakdowns that lead to disappointment and unmet expectations. In this episode, we dive into the good, the bad, and the ugly about communication and offer some insights on what we most need to know to have better experiences and outcomes.

Listen for These Thought Pearls:

  • why the breakdowns are not your fault

  • how our brain filters out information....for better and for worse

  • why these filters are the biggest influencers of what we say AND what we hear

  • what causes us to perceive things other than they are

  • the necessity of understanding our own communication style

  • the benefits of being able to see how someone arrived at their point of view even if you can't agree

  • how we assign meaning and 'take it personally'

  • how self-awareness takes practice and living

  • what happens when we can drop our defenses

  • the courage and trust it takes to really hear one another

  • how to develop that trust

  • the thing we most need from others when in communication