Episode 43: Stealing Normal

Episode Summary

There are so many things going on in the world that are ’stealing normal’. It may be more important now than ever to ask ourselves: What is normal anyway? What do we want to keep? What needs to go? How can I cultivate an experience that most represents the life I want to live? In this episode, we open the door to these questions and the idea of ‘micro’normals and how there are gifts in the chaos and uncertainty if only we are willing to explore the edges.

Episode Notes

Listen for these gold nuggets:

-The gifts of chaos

-Why interruptions are the way of life and change is the only universal constant

-How we can ‘begin again’ when we lose track of our equilibrium

-Why adapting is important and how to re-establish our own normal

-Internal vs eternal vehicles and how they impact our ability to maintain normal

-The difference between intention and attention and why they are both important and necessary

-Evolving normals

-Waking up to what you no longer want to tolerate….’The Great Resignation’

-‘Micro normals’ vs  ‘macro normals’ and why they are so important

-How our system is always seeking equilibrium and simply needs a little TLC from us

-Shame spiraling and beating ourselves up for taking downtime and a reframe to stop the story

-Knowing when you are intentionally decompressing vs escaping with Netflix

-Stepping out of judgment of self and others

-Why as we look to find our normal….we must be mindful of ‘helping’ others

-Being purposeful in cultivating the life we most want to live

-Why being ‘wobbly’ is actually an indication that positive change is occurring