Episode 57: Hiding... It's a Thing
Episode Summary
Hiding….it’s a thing. A BIG thing. It is easy to get caught in the fear of vulnerability and judgment that sharing ourselves fully with people can create. Hiding is easy…being seen is not. It is a force that is making us sick as a culture. It can trigger perfectionism in the most unhealthy ways. It keeps us playing small, not fulfilling our potential or shining our big, bright, beautiful lights. It can also feel like safety and protection. In this week's episode, we dive into the what’s why’s and how’s of HIDING.
Listen for these elements:
The damage that comes from living in fear
Reasons why we withhold and hide
Times when it's good to share and times when it’s not
How withholding our pain and struggle from one another keeps us separate
Our tendency to censor ourselves and why we do it
The stories we tell that keep us in hiding
The role judgment plays in hiding
Why we must be fully enrolled in our own truth to push past hiding
The fears we have that cause it all
The perils of secrecy